The Necessitous Foundation
Schedule of Precedence

The Necessitous Foundation rubrics is precise and ensures concise expectations that supports the linguistic needs of our multicultural population beginning in Kindergarten through College and onto a promising career. We do this, because in this country, from infancy, students are taught how to read, write and perform arithmetic; however, when you watch these same young ones at play, their minds are into constructing structures made of cardboard, wood or sand. They create pictures of rocket ships to the moon. Many of them create models of the solar system. Some of these young ones tie ropes and tires to trees to use as swings while others use these ropes to hoist themselves up. The creativity of the minds of these young ones is endless; however, it appears when they enter academia institutions, their natural STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) mind changes because the education model doesn’t reflect these natural God-given abilities. The young mind that once thrived in STEM, healthcare, the law and community awareness is curved to heavily focus on electives with a little math sprinkled here and reading and writing sprinkled elsewhere. By acting in this manner, academia institutions are not only doing a disservice to our young children, but to the future of the nation. The Necessitous Foundation knows by capturing the community in the earliest stages, we can design and develop research programs that promote enhanced awareness for underserviced women, special needs and disabled students that is extremely beneficial for the prosperity of these ethnic groups and the nation.

The Necessitous Foundation
641.715.3900  Ext. 40489